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  • Jada

Fire Cider - The Ultimate Cold + Flu remedy

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Fire Cider is a age old folk medicine tonic used to prevent colds and/or stop a cold in the beginning stages. Its a spicy mix of warming herbs, vegetables and spices that come together to stimulate circulation and stimulate immune response. Each ingredient aids in nourishing our body and supporting our immune system. [WHY]

Not only can this tonic help boost your immune system, the apple cider vinegar helps keep off fat, curb cravings, lower blood sugar, and will pay off your student loans (ok, not allat) but the list is continuous. I introduced my uncle to it after a week of taking it his ole lady told him that his skin started “glowing”, he also swears it took away the aches in his joints.

[HOW] I take one shot a day in the morning and keep it pushing.

Recipe below:

* 1-2 orange (including peel) * 1 large chopped ginger root * 1 medium onion

* 5 cloves of garlic * 1-3 scotch pepper (or any spicy pepper) * 3 whole cinnamon sticks * small piece of turmeric root * 1 med Horseradish root * 3 tablespoons of a sweetener (honey, agave, molasses, etc) * OPT echinacea root** * Top the entire jar with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother)

This recipe is based off what i've been taught and what I personally like. You can pick and choose what you wish to add. The beauty of folk medicine is that there is no right or wrong. As long as you're using apple cider vinegar as your base, add any anti-viral

Let it sit for 3-4 weeks and let all that plant goodness marinate. Strain and store in a glass container.

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